Three-day Advanced SIMPLIS Training


Oct 25th-27th, 2023 in Santa Clara, CA

This three-day course is designed to provide current users with the advanced understanding needed to become highly skilled at creating SIMPLIS models of switching power supplies.


Embassy Suites Silicon Valley
2885 Lakeside Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Course Description:

The first two days of the class will cover the following topics:

  • How to create SIMPLIS models that run fast and quickly find the Periodic Operating Point
  • How to parameterize a SIMPLIS model and how to create a custom Edit Dialog
  • Methods to create time-domain models for critical power stage components (MOSFETs, drivers, rectifiers, inductors, and transformers)
  • Fundamentals for modeling control circuits
  • Essential details for conducting a comprehensive analysis of power supply performance
  • Techniques for measuring time domain waveforms and AC analyses such as Bode plots, input and output impedance

The SIMPLIS Design Verification Module (DVM) is covered in depth on the third day. The DVM module automates testing, the collection of scalar and graph data, and generates an HTML report with links to the simulated data. In addition, predicting the interaction between MOSFET driver limitations and losses in power MOSFETs will be covered on the third day.

This course makes extensive use of hands-on exercises that are central to the training experience. Every student will be provided with access to a SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Pro license with DVM and MDM during the three-day class.

Who Will Benefit from this Course:

  • Engineers with modest to significant experience using SIMPLIS to design switching power supplies
  • Experienced users of SIMPLIS will benefit significantly from this advanced course

Day 1

  • Module 1 - Overview of the SIMPLIS Environment
    • 1.0 SIMPLIS Basics
      • 1.0.1 SIMPLIS is a Time-Domain Simulator, all the Time, for Every Analysis, Period
      • 1.0.2 PWL Simulation and Modeling
      • 1.0.3 Multi-Level Modeling
      • 1.0.4 Accuracy of PWL Models
      • 1.0.5 POP and AC Analysis
    • 1.1 Introduction to DVM: What is DVM?
  • Module 2 - Advanced SIMPLIS
    • 2.0 Transient Analysis Settings
    • 2.1 Initial Conditions and Back Annotation
      • 2.1.1 The dot INIT File
      • 2.1.2 Back Annotating a Schematic
    • 2.2 How the Periodic Operating Point (POP) Analysis Really Works
      • 2.2.1 Overview of the POP Analysis
      • 2.2.2 The Core POP Process
      • 2.2.3 POP Syntax Errors
      • 2.2.4 Circuits Which Cause POP to fail
    • 2.3 Managing Simulation Data

Day 2

  • Module 3 - Getting Ready to Model
    • 3.0 A Look under the SIMPLIS Hood
      • 3.0.1 What Happens When you Press F9
      • 3.0.2 What Actual Device is Simulated in SIMPLIS
    • 3.1 SIMPLIS Multi-Step Analysis
    • 3.2 SIMPLIS Monte Carlo Analysis
    • 3.3 Loading a Schematic with Component Values
  • Module 4 - Introduction to Modeling
    • 4.0 What is a Symbol?
    • 4.1 What is a Model?
    • 4.2 What is a Schematic Component file?
    • 4.3 What is a Device?
    • 4.4 Protecting Your Intellectual Property - Model Encryption
    • 4.5 Debugging Slow Simulations
  • Module 5 - Parameterization
    • 5.0 About Parameters
    • 5.1 Passing Parameters into Subcircuits

Day 3

  • Module 5 - Parameterization
    • 5.2 Parameter-Editing Dialogs
      • 5.2.1 Adding Basic Parameter-Editing Dialogs
      • 5.2.2 Adding Tabbed Parameter-Editing Dialogs
  • Applications
    • Magnetics Design Modules (MDM) Applications
    • Application D - Design Verification Module (DVM) Applications
    • Application B - Switching Losses and Measuring Efficiency


Three-day Course (October 25-27) $2100.00 USD

Training Registration Form

Daily Schedule:

8:00 am Continental Breakfast
8:30 Class Starts
10:30 Coffee Break
12:15 pm Break for Lunch
1:15 Resume
2:45 Short Break
5:00 Done for the day


Participants are assumed to have:

  • some practical experience using SIMetrix/SIMPLIS in power supply applications, and
  • completed the SIMPLIS Tutorial prior to attending this training course.

Students should have the latest version of SIMetrix/SIMPLIS loaded on their laptops before arriving at class.

  • For current users of the full version of SIMetrix/SIMPLIS, it is recommended that you choose Help | Check for Updates... from the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Command Shell Window.
  • For those without a license for the full version, the tutorial can be completed using the free-to-download SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Elements Version. Download links and login credentials will be provided in your registration confirmation email so that you can download and install the latest full version.