SIMPLIS Tips and Tricks


Previously Held on Sep 15th, 2016

Several tips and tricks to help you work more efficiently in SIMPLIS will be discussed in this one-hour webinar. These time saving actions are some of the "hidden gems" in the program and almost every attendee will learn something useful from this webinar. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions on working with SIMetrix/SIMPLIS during the webinar.

Link to Webinar Recording

The webinar recording can be viewed via GoTo Webinar at this link: SIMPLIS Tips and Tricks (54:00)
The recording can also be viewed via Amazon CloudFront at this link: SIMPLIS Tips and Tricks (54:00)



  1. Archiving a design with Copy Hierarchy
  2. Changing multiple probes at the same time
  3. Highlighting and un-highlighting nets
  4. How to select only wires, not symbols and wires
  5. How to delete that one grid square long wire!
  6. Working with schematic components
  7. Graphing the points in a PWL definition
  8. Viewing the ASCII model used in a simulation

Waveform Viewer

  1. Importing and Exporting data to the graph viewer
  2. ReplayTraces Command
  3. Organizing your curves and graphs

Symbol Editor

  1. Reusing built-in symbols for your schematic components
  2. Copying symbols from library to schematic component and vice-versa

User Interface

  1. Defining your own custom key bindings or shortcut keys
  2. Adding menu items
  3. Customizing the part selector

Reference Materials

Schematics and presentation slides for the webinar can be downloaded here: