Modeling In SIMPLIS - Part V: Parameter Editing Dialogs


Previously Held on Thu, March 22nd, 2018

SIMetrix/SIMPLIS has three general purpose dialog functions which can be added to schematic symbols, allowing a user to easily edit the parameters used in the model. While this makes it easier for users to interact with the model, adding a parameter editing dialog to your model also allows you to limit user's input values to ranges which are acceptable to the model.

To simplify the creation of the dialogs, SIMPLIS provides a set of dialog definition spreadsheets. These Excel formatted documents make it easy to create dialog definitions and to save these definitions to the symbol. Our latest version of these spreadsheets have an added bonus - the spreadsheets also add the required parameterization to the symbol.

The agenda for this one hour webinar is as follows:

Link to Webinar Recording

The webinar recording can be viewed via GoTo Webinar at this link: Modeling In SIMPLIS - Part V - Parameter Editing Dialogs( 44:27)
The recording can also be viewed via Amazon CloudFront at this link: Modeling In SIMPLIS - Part V - Parameter Editing Dialogs( 44:27)

Reference Materials

Schematics and presentation slides for the webinar can be downloaded here: