AddGlobalStyle Command

Adds an additional global style to the available styles.

This will overwrite any styles with the same name unless the nooverride flag is set.

        [/lineType <type>] [/lineColour <colour>] [/lineThickness <thickness>] [/fontName <name>] [/fontSize <size>] [/fontColour <colour>] [/italics /bold 0|1] [/overline 0|1]
        [/underline 0|1] [/propertyStyle 0|1] /nooverride <name>



Bold font.


As a hex value in BGR format. E.g. Blue is FF0000, Red is 0000FF, or HTML format e.g. #0000FF is Blue


Font family name.


A number.


Italic font.


As a hex value in BGR format. E.g. Blue is FF0000, Red is 0000FF, or HTML format e.g. #0000FF is Blue


Set to 1 to fix line thickness - i.e. does not scale with zoom


A number.


Options are Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot.


Use this to ensure that the style is only added if it does not already exist as a global style.


Overline the text.


Font should appear in the Property style options drop down box.


Underline the text.


Name of the style to use.