NetToCirc Function

Converts a netlist or subcircuit model to a schematic and returns information about the conversion


Number Type Compulsory Default Description
1 String Yes Input model name or netlist path
2 String array No Symbol pin names (model mode)
3 String array No ['model', 'default'] Options
4 String Yes Model-symbol association table

Argument 1

In netlist mode, the path to the netlist. In model mode, the name of the model

Argument 2

Used in model mode only. Sets the names of the module ports in the top level in order to match the pin names of the schematic symbol. If empty or not provided, the module port names will follow the subcircuit definition

Argument 3

Configures the conversion. A string array with one element from each row in the following table
Conversion mode 'netlist' or 'model'
Output format 'xml', 'ascii' or 'default'


Return type: String array

An array with three elements as defined in the following table
Status of conversion: 'Ok', 'Warning' or 'Error'
Path to top level schematic
Conversion report in HTML format