Piecewise Linear (PWL) Multiplication provides a simple way to multiply multiple time-varying signals with high bandwidth. The PWL multiplication method exploits the fact that the multiplication of two time-varying signals, ???MATH???V_A???MATH??? and ???MATH???V_B???MATH??? can be represented in a log-anti-log format: \[ V_A \times V_B = 10^{\left( log\left( V_A \right) + log \left( V_B \right) \right)}\] The resulting output has error due to the PWL implementation of the log and anti-log functions.
You can download this example here: 1.9_SIMPLIS_Multiplication.sxsch
This example uses PWL resistors to create the ???MATH???log\left( V_A \right)???MATH??? and $log\left( V_B \right)$ signals, these signals are then added with a Summer and a final anti-log PWL resistor is used to generate the output voltage.
This example circuit also has a PWM Multiplier example and the error of each technique is plotted on the output graph.