The PWM multiplication method uses an ideal buck converter and a filter to multiply two time-varying signals. The buck converter transfer function is:
\[ V_{OUT} = duty cycle \times V_{IN}\]
The two input signals are mapped into the buck converter's inputs ???MATH???V_{VIN}???MATH??? and $duty cycle$. In order to make this mapping, the maximum amplitude of the input signal which is mapped to the ???MATH???duty cycle???MATH??? input needs to be known. In the following expression, the ???MATH???V_A???MATH??? input is mapped to the ???MATH???duty cycle???MATH??? input and the ???MATH???V_A???MATH??? input has a known maximum voltage of ???MATH???V_{AMAX}???MATH???.
\[ V_{OUT} = V_{AMAX} \times \frac{V_A}{V_{AMAX}} \times V_{B} = V_A \times V_B \]
Finally, an output filter is required to remove the switching ripple. The filter type, number of poles, and pole location are up to the user.
You can download this example here: 1.9_SIMPLIS_Multiplication.sxsch
This example uses the Switched Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source to create an ideal, loss-less buck converter. The buck converter output is then filtered with a four pole LC filter to get the DC value.
This example circuit also has a PWL Multiplier example and the error of each technique is plotted on the output graph.