To download the examples for Module 2, click
What You Will Learn
- How to recreate the curves on a graph using Plot Journals.
- How to run plot journals both with the GUI and automatically after the simulation
Getting Started
Exercise #1: Generate a
Frequency Spectrum Plot
- Open the schematic 2.6_SelfOscillatingConverter_POP_dot_graph.sxsch.
- Run the simulation.
Result: The POP simulation
executes and the frequency spectrum of the current in V1 is
automatically plotted on the waveform viewer:
There are often times you would like to load data from a previous simulation and
recreate the curves which were generated during that run. As discussed in the 2.3 Managing Simulation Data topic, the data group only contains the
raw data from the simulation, and doesn't have any information on the curves which were
plotted. Therefore another way to re-create the curves from the vectors contained in the
data group is needed. Plot journals are one way to accomplish this.
Plot Journals
Plot journals are nothing more than
SIMetrix/SIMPLIS scripts containing the script commands to create the curves on a
particular graph tab. The program will create the plot journal script for you when
you execute the graph menu Plot ▶ Create Plot
Journal... In the next exercise you will create a plot journal.
Exercise #2: Create a
Plot Journal
To create a plot journal, follow these
- Make certain the graph tab which you wish to create a plot journal for is the
currently selected graph tab. In this example, you will generate a plot journal
for the spectrum curve.
- In the waveform viewer, select the graph tab containing the spectrum curve.
- From the graph menu, select Plot ▶ Create
Plot Journal...
Result: A file browser opens to the directory
containing the schematic, prompting you to select a file name for the plot
- Type the file name spectrum in the File name field as shown below:
- Click Save.
Result: SIMetrix/SIMPLIS composes a
script file which, when run, will re-create the current graph tab. The file is
saved in the same directory as the schematic and is named
Exercise #3: Running a
Plot Journal
To run a Plot Journal, execute the graph
Plot ▶ Run Plot Journal... In this
exercise you will run the plot journal you created in the first exercise and compare
the graph tab created when you ran the simulation to the one created by the plot
- From the graph menu, select Plot ▶ Run Plot
Result: A file selection dialog is opened for you to
select the script to run. As the program saves the most recently created plot
journal to the schematic file, the file selection dialog is populated with this

- Click Ok.
Result: The plot journal script,
spectrum.sxscr, runs, recreating the spectrum graph tab.
At this point, the waveform viewer has
two identical graph tabs, each with a spectrum curve. If you alternately select each
spectrum graph tab, you will easily see the two graphs are identical.
Exercise #4:
Automatically Run a Plot Journal After the Simulation Completes
SIMetrix/SIMPLIS has the ability to
automatically run a script file after the simulation executes. The .POST_PROCESS
command tells the program to execute a script by name, and can be added to the F11
window. In this exercise, you will add a .POST_PROCESS command to the command (F11)
window. This command will run your plot journal, exactly as if you used the Plot
▶ Run Plot Journal... menu item. To
automatically run the plot journal,
- On the schematic window, press the F11 key to open the command
- Add the following text to the end of the F11 Window:
.POST_PROCESS spectrum.sxscr
- Close the waveform viewer.
- Run the simulation.
Result: The waveform viewer
opens with both spectrum tabs: One tab was created with the .GRAPH command from
2.4.5 The .GRAPH Statement, and another tab was
created from the plot journal script.
A couple of points about using the
.POST_PROCESS control:
- You can add multiple .POST_PROCESS control statements to the F11 window to call
multiple scripts. Each .POST_PROCESS command will execute a single script.
- The .POST_PROCESS commands are executed after each simulation completes; that is,
if you ran a POP/AC analysis, the .POST_PROCESS script will run after each
analysis completes. This presents a problem in that the plot journal script is
intended to plot data from the current group, in this case the POP group. If the
Plot journal is run on the AC data group, the Spectrum function will fail,
producing a blank graph tab.
- The .POST_PROCESS control assumes the script is located in the same directory as
the schematic. You can add relative paths from the schematic or full paths as
- If the path and script name contains spaces the path/name must be enclosed in
double quotes.
Viewing a Plot
As mentioned in the Discussion
section, a plot journal is a SIMetrix/SIMPLIS script file created when you run the
menu item: Plot ▶ Create Plot Journal...
You can view the plot journal in any text editor including Notepad++. Using Notepad++
will show the syntax highlighting of the comments and commands in the script as shown
Conclusions and Key Points to
- The Plot Journal method is a quick way to re-plot data from saved data groups.
- The Plot Journal plots curves using data from the current data group.
- You can automatically run a plot journal script using the .POST_PROCESS